Tag: Passover

The Lord’s Supper: A Table of Anticipation (1 Cor. 11:26)

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” (1 Cor. 11:26)

The Lord’s Table, you could say, not only commemorates it also anticipates. Fundamentally, given that the bread and the fruit of the vine recall Jesus’ body being given for us and His blood being poured out for us so as to ratify the New Covenant, it looks back; but in light of the language of our text, there is also a sense in which the Lord’s Table looks forward, anticipating Jesus’ return.

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The Lord’s Supper: A Table of Remembrance

The Importance of Remembrance

 Why are wedding anniversaries important? Well, although I cannot appeal to a chapter-and-verse of Scripture to set that record straight once and for all I can provide an opinion that I think most would agree with, one that goes beyond simply saying – so we don’t forget when it happened. I would commend the celebrating of wedding anniversaries as a way to remember, not simply an occasion, but the affections you felt on that occasion. That kind of remembering has a way of rekindling – it helps you feel fresh affections as you recall old ones through current lenses.

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