Tag: Return

Preparing For The Lord’s Return (Phil 3:20)

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20)

When Paul wrote to the church at Philippi he, at times, used words that would have special significance to those reading his epistle. Philippi had the unique distinction of being a Roman colony, a privilege that entitled its inhabitants to Roman citizenship even though they were approximately 800 miles away from Rome. Thus, the word “citizenship” carried significant overtones to those in Philippi. It meant that they were free from certain, if not all, taxes, spoke the Latin language, wore the Roman garb, and took great pride in that exclusive designation.

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Real Returning and the Ultimate Motivation (Jeremiah 4:1-2)

A prominent theme that ran through Jeremiah chapter three was the Lord’s call to His wayward people to return. Calls like, “Return to Me” or “Return, O backsliding children” occur four, arguably five, times in the twenty-five verses of that chapter. That sentiment carries over into the opening four verses of chapter four. In some way Israel voiced a desire to return (Jer. 3:22b-25) and now, like a parent offering their child an impetus for obedience, the LORD extended to Israel an ultimate incentive to be realized as they closed the door to idolatry and walked across the threshold of obedience. But first He made the conditions clear:

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